Below you find all the information you need. Just come and join us! 🙂
We take the Covid19-crisis very seriously. That’s why we have a strict corona concept in ehe camp.
To be able to realise the camp we depend on donatations (material and money). Take a look at our material list if you have something we might need!Also we always need people to cook, to do night shifts, ….
The next legislative period of the Bundestag, which will be elected on 26th September, is crucial for fighting climate crisis and for reaching the 1.5°C goal. That’s why we camp on the Hofgarten.
Many young people are not allowed to vote yet or can notdecide about political measures. Additionally, none of the big political parties has a political manifesto to reach the 1.5°-goal. Whichever Bundestag we will have after the election, we have to be loud and on the streets to get it to fight the climate crisis enough. With our camp we make clear, that we will be watching politics from the beginning.
We need massive social and political change to build a world we can all live in. You want to be part of the change? Come to the climate justice camp and let’s fight together!
The program will be updated regularily – check it out more often so you don’t miss anything!
You want the program on your phone? Come in the info channels! ->
Unfortunalty, the program is completely in German. That’s why there is no translation for the schedule. But feel free to come to our camp anyway, we will try to have someone doing a whisper translation!
In order to realise the camp we rely on material and money donations. If you can borrow us something from the list, please contact us!
material list (will be updated regularily):
The Covid19-pandemic is still going on and will probably stay a part of our life for the next time.
That’s why we developed several hygienic measures to make protests possible while protecting ourselves and each other.
If we all pay attention and follow the hygienic measures, we can demonstrate safely!
Fridays For Future Bonn